The leading lights
of Kerala’s development and innovation
K-DISC has undertaken a range of activities in promoting innovation in government, launching its flagship initiative for nurturing young innovators and championing the social inclusion of the marginalized. The organization has also been mandated with a journey to take Kerala to the Knowledge Economy which entails the following.

- Undertaking a massive skilling program to provide employment to the educated unemployed career-break women and returnees from abroad.
- Organizing a program of innovation in educational institutions, Micro-Small and Medium Enterprises, local government institutions and the government departments.
- Undertaking radical transformation of the higher education sector by improving the infrastructure, quality of manpower and creating centres of excellence in cutting edge areas.
- Initiating the program of digital transformation of the Kerala economy in agriculture and allied sectors, logistics and infrastructure, service sector in a responsible, inclusive and environment friendly manner.

Kerala Knowledge Economy Mission (KKEM)
An initiative that aims to provide employment to the educated by transforming the State of Kerala into a Knowledge Society, which will produce, consume and transact knowledge for its own social and ec...
Young Innovators Programme (YIP)
A flagship program as part of the innovation segment that aims to empower future innovators to innovate new products, services or models to meet emerging requirements, unarticulated needs, or existing...