Manchadi - Teaching Math for Kerala
Teaching Maths for Kerala
Promoting adaptive learning in Mathematics by children in schools modeled after globally proven techniques.
Sl.No. | Name | Designation | District | Mob No | Mail ID |
1 | Sivadasan KK | Project Head | |||
2 | Mahalekshmi P | Programme Executive | Kollam | 9188617418 | mahalekshmip19@gmail.com |
3 | Visakh M | Programme Executive | Alappuzha | 8714619234 | An16@kdisc.kerala.gov.in |
4 | Aswathy V Gopal | Programme Executive | Kottayam | 9539367429 | aswathyvgopal7@gmail.com |
5 | Shahna MS | Programme Executive | Thiruvanathapuram | 8714619235 | An19@kdisc.kerala.gov.in |
6 | Janakiraman Durai | ||||
7 | Ramya Raveendran SR | ||||
8 | Soumya M | Programme Executive | Kasaragod | 9074363091 | An20@kdisc.kerala.gov.in |
9 | Sreedevi V R | Junior Programme Executive | Kozhikode | 8129996139 | devisreevr@gmail.com |
10 | Shereena F | Junior Programme Executive | pathanamthitta | 8136926171 | shereenaajiraj@gmail.com |
11 | Libin Thomas |
Junior Program Executive |
949-737-3767 | libinthomas336@gmail.com | |
12 | Arun Roy Panakal | Programme Executive | Thrissur | 9995177209 | arunroypanakal@gmail.com |
13 | Rijanya PJ | Mother Animator | Wayanad | 9544664865 | rijanyap@gmail.com |
14 | Srijina CK | Mother Animator | Wayanad | 9961295995 | srijinaaneesh@gmail.com |
15 | Ajitha K | Mother Animator | Kannur | 9400402894 | ajithasuresank@gmail.com |
16 | jameela TK | Mother Animator | Kannur | 8606404348 | jameelatk313@gmail.com |
17 | Vijini TT | Mother Animator | Kannur | 8075381237 | vijinisunil@gmail.com |
18 | Preveen P Kumar | Mother Animator | Alappuzha | 9447623929 | praveenpkumar1996@gmail.com |
19 | Shobitha PP | ||||
20 | Divya UV | Mother Animator | Wayanad | 9645478784 | divyaaneeshdaksha@gmail.com |
21 | Sreeraj V | Mother Animator | Wayanad | 6282025690 | sreerajvttd@gmail.com |
22 | Jayasree KV | Mother Animator | Kasargode | 9495655305 | jayasatheeshvaradayini@gmail.com |
23 | Athulya Surendran | Mother Animator | kannur | 8129185345 | athulyapattuvam@gmail.com |
24 | Snayana CK | Mother Animator | kannur | 7306238312 | snayanack2016@gmail.com |
25 | Vineetha M | Mother Animator | Palakkad | 8137925919 | vineethamohan12@gmail.com |
26 | Priya OP | Mother Animator | Palakkad | 9895171895 | priyasreehari922@gmail.com |
27 | Faseela K | Mother Animator | Palakkad | 7034322211 | shameerfasi48@gmail.com |
28 | Srijil KR | Mother Animator | Palakkad | 9744254799 | srijilkr024@gmail.com |
29 | Liji CR | Mother Animator | Thiruvananthapuram | 9526269689 | angelliji83@gmail.com |
30 | Fathima Beevi Y | Mother Animator | Kollam | 7306239360 | Fathimamuhammad197@gmail.com |
31 | Sreekutty A S | Mother Animator | Kollam | 7356165027 | sreekuttyas1998@gmail.com |
32 | Vishnupriya KB | Mother Animator | Thrissur | 9567618962 | vishnupriyakb96m@gmail.com |
33 | Betty Babu | Mother Animator | Thrissur | 9446410959 | bettybabu13@gmail.com |
34 | Sreya N Subash | Mother Animator | Thrissur | 8848329959 | sreyasubash49@gmail.com |
35 | Deepa TS | Mother Animator | Thrissur | 9400562757 | subru.deepa@gmail.com |
36 | Anjana S | Mother Animator | Pathanamthitta | 7994640960 | anjanannair8299@Gmail.com |
37 | Athulya Rajan | Mother Animator | Idukki | 9495535422 | athulyaarun1991@gmail.com |
38 | Krishnapriya K | ||||
39 | Hajira K | ||||
40 | Thresia KM | Mother Animator | Malappuram | 8547814493 | reenalijo89@gmail.com |
41 | Aneesh S | Mother Animator | Idukki | 8547045389 | aneeshs926@gmail.com |
42 | Anjali M Nair | Mother Animator | AlIapuzha | 9747584414 | nairanjali@gmail |
43 | Ramya KV | Mother Animator | Kasaragod | 8547270061 | ramyarukku@gmail.com |
44 | Sreeja SasiKumar S | Mother Animator | Alappuzha | 9961485289 | sreejasasibhavanam@gmail.com |
45 | Sheejamol KM | Mother Animator | Ernakulam | 9539821014 | shemeersheeja.14@gmail.com |
46 | Thusnim U | Mother Animator | Alappuzha | 9061522093 | thusnim@gmail.com |
47 | Ahalya TV | Mother Animator | Wayanad | 9539273857 | ahalyatvtnly@gmail.com |
48 | Alan C Binoy | Mother Animator | Idukki | 6238411248 | alancbinoy001@gmail.com |
49 | Remyamol TS | Mother Animator | Idukki | 9048299679 | remya1519294@gmail.com |
50 | Reshmi P | Mother Animator | Kasaragod | 9946953773 | reshmiperumbala@gmail.com |
51 | Anitha Vasudevan | Mother Animator | Pathanamthitta | 6238781800 | anithavasudevan3@gmail.com |
52 | Sumayya Beevi M H | Mother Animator | Ernakulam | 9745012732 | sumayyamh7@gmail.com |
53 | Aswathy S Babu | Mother Animator | Thiruvananthapuram | 9995217243 | aswathyislanda@gmail.com |
54 | Vishnu C P | Mother Animator | Thrissur | 9746258008 | vishnucpalpu@gmail.com |
55 | Soumyamol K | ||||
56 | Usha K | ||||
57 | Reshma E Mathew | Mother Animator | Kottayam | ||
58 | Ajeesh L | Mother Animator | Palakkad | 9746662922 | ajeeshaju3434@gmail.com |
59 | Anupriya Das | Mother Animator | Kozhikode | 7592865127 | anupriyadas56@gmail.com |
60 | Soumya V S | Mother Animator | Kasargod | 9207244019 | vssoumya164@gmail.com |
61 | Keerthi C H | ||||
62 | Shajeela A | Mother Animator | Thiruvananthapuram | 8606189886 | shajeela009@gmail.com |
63 | Bindhuja Chandran B | Mother Animator | Thiruvananthapuram | 9645854593 | bindhujab2000@gmail.com |
64 | Sai Prasad P | ||||
65 | Aparna Balan | ||||
66 | Sangeetha V Gopal | Mother Animator | Thiruvananthapuram | 9995620402 | sangeethavaisakhansvg@gmail.com |
67 | Bindhumol C | Mother Animator | Idukki | 6282253640 | bindhupravika@gmail.com |
68 | Syama V Babu | Mother Animator | Idukki | 8590034628 | syamavishnu52@gmail.com |
69 | Anju C M | Mother Animator | Wayanad | 9946306283 | anjucmchitteth@gmail.com |
70 | Divya K | Mother Animator | Wayanad | 8943906813 | divyasaradha95@gmail.com |
71 | Nafiya M | Mother animator | Malappuram | 7736973195 | nafiyajemshi@gmail.com |
72 | Hajira K | Mother Animator | Wayanad | 9961819010 | hajirakodiyathoor@gmail.com |
73 | Krishnapriya K | Mother Animator | Wayanad | 6238591529 | innanakannan@gmail.com |
74 | keerthi C H | Mother Animator | Palakkad | 9947657436 | keerthyharidas@gmail.com |
75 | Usha K | Mother Animator | Kozhikode | 9048468721 | kushaprasanth@gmail.com |
Aims & Objectives
- Universal mathematising at the community level.
- Enhanced ability of children aged 6-12 to think and reason, to visualize and handle abstractions, to formulate and solve problems.
- Employability of aspiring adults and unemployed youth in improving their livelihood through real life application of mathematics.