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So far admin has created 51 blog entries.

Planning Competency Development And Innovation System

By |2025-03-21T09:19:29+00:002022 March 26|About Division|

Executive Director, Planning, Competency Development, And Innovation System(PCDIS) Mr. Sudeep Nair ed.pcdis@kdisc.kerala.gov.in 82899 10104 This division of K-DISC focuses on nurturing and promoting innovation at all levels - among students, businesses, public servants and the public at large, developing their skills and competencies to inculcate a culture of knowledge seeking

HR Management and Competency Development Committee

By |2023-01-17T15:27:29+00:002022 March 25|Internal Committees|

The following shall constitute a talent scouting committee for Human Resource Management and Competency Development which will recommend scouting of talents like consultants and senior positions in K-DISC: Member Secretary Vice Chancellor, APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University Vice Chancellor, Digital University of Kerala Executive Director (Planning, Competency Development and Innovation Systems) Senior Administrative Officer

Governing Body

By |2023-01-17T15:23:56+00:002022 March 25|Committees|

The Governing Body appoints the Executive Committee, approves projects and schemes with budgetary details to be implemented during the next year, adopts Annual Report, passes audited statement of accounts, considers resolutions, makes and amends rules and regulations and carries out with the permission of the Chairperson. K-DISC shall be governed

Skills, Employment and Entrepreneurship

By |2024-12-06T09:56:58+00:002022 March 25|About Division|

Executive Director, Skills, Employment and Entrepreneurship Mr. P M Riyas ed.seed@kdisc.kerala.gov.in 9447874000 Kerala has a vast pool of educated people. But the paradox is that the State has a high unemployment rate also. In order to address this, the government has embarked on a transformational project of converting Kerala into

Procurement Committee

By |2023-01-17T15:27:57+00:002022 March 24|Internal Committees|

The procurement follows the store purchase manual of the Government of Kerala. The General Financial Rules of Government of India are followed for components not covered under the store purchase manual. The following members constitute the procurement committee which approves the procurement of products and services required by K-DISC: Member Secretary Finance Secretary, Government

Executive Committee

By |2024-01-10T07:12:06+00:002022 March 24|Committees|

The management of K-DISC is vested with the Executive Committee. The EC approves the budget and admits the expenditure of projects and schemes approved by the Governing Body, creates posts for Technical and Administrative staff on contract, grants increments or impose penalties, appoints consultants, decides on purchase of fixed assets and approves foreign travel

Innovation Technologies

By |2025-02-05T08:55:38+00:002022 March 24|About Division|

As Kerala gears up to make the leap to a Knowledge Economy, it is imperative to adopt cutting-edge technologies for making the day-to-day lives of its citizens easier. Technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain and AR/VR are widely used to transform industries like healthcare, agriculture, utilities, etc. Innovation Technologies Projects The Innovation

Risk Management Committee

By |2023-01-17T15:28:30+00:002022 March 23|Internal Committees|

The following members constitute the Risk Management Committee which specifically examines innovative projects which involve high risk. The Committee devises strategies for involving Risk Management in the entire innovation cycle of K-DISC and monitor Risk Management effectiveness. Executive Vice Chairperson Member Secretary Chief Executive Officer, Start-up Mission Executive Director (Planning Competency Development and Innovation

District Innovation Council

By |2023-01-17T15:26:34+00:002022 March 23|Committees|

District Innovation Councils are set up in all 14 districts of the State to create district-level and integrated local government-level innovation ecosystems there. The District Innovation Council consist of the following members: District Panchayat President (Chairperson) Members nominated by K-DISC Registrars of Universities within the District nominated by K-DISC Representative of Lead Bank nominated

Social Enterprises and Inclusion

By |2024-12-07T17:46:48+00:002022 March 23|About Division|

This division promotes and nurtures enterprises that are intended to make a social change. These further the social purposes in a financially sustainable way and can provide income generation opportunities to meet the basic needs of economically disadvantaged people. Bringing marginalized communities into the mainstream and running projects to promote innovation amongst them is another

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