Planning Competency Development And Innovation System

By |2024-09-10T10:49:07+00:002022 March 26|About Division|

Executive Director, Planning, Competency Development, And Innovation System(PCDIS) Mr. Sudeep Nair 82899 10104 This division of K-DISC focuses on nurturing and promoting innovation at all levels - among students, businesses, public servants and the public at large, developing their skills and competencies to inculcate a culture of knowledge seeking

Skills, Employment and Entrepreneurship

By |2024-09-06T05:30:02+00:002022 March 25|About Division|

Executive Director, Skills, Employment and Entrepreneurship Mr. P M Riyas 9447874000 Kerala has a vast pool of educated people. But the paradox is that the State has a high unemployment rate also. In order to address this, the government has embarked on a transformational project of converting Kerala into

Innovation Technologies

By |2024-07-19T06:25:07+00:002022 March 24|About Division|

As Kerala gears up to make the leap to a Knowledge Economy, it is imperative to adopt cutting-edge technologies for making the day-to-day lives of its citizens easier. Technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain and AR/VR are widely used to transform industries like healthcare, agriculture, utilities, etc. Innovation Technologies Projects The Innovation

Social Enterprises and Inclusion

By |2023-10-12T06:11:28+00:002022 March 23|About Division|

This division promotes and nurtures enterprises that are intended to make a social change. These further the social purposes in a financially sustainable way and can provide income generation opportunities to meet the basic needs of economically disadvantaged people. Bringing marginalized communities into the mainstream and running projects to promote innovation amongst them is another

Management Services

By |2024-07-03T10:46:24+00:002022 March 22|About Division|

1 Smt. Swapna M Executive Director (Management Services) 9497004949 ADMINISTRATION & SERVICES 1Smt. Sarada Devi. USenior Administrative Renjini A LSection Officer( Admin) Arun M.SSection Officer( Admin) .Jagannath C RAssistant Section Officer(Admin) .Govind G R.Senior Grade Assistant( Admin) PAssistant( Admin) Joshitha S RAssistant( Admin) Nanda Kumar P S.Assistant( Admin) .Praveen V PAssistant

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