
Tracing the organisation’s

origin and evolution

Kerala Development and Innovation Strategic Council was originally constituted as a department guided by a six-member advisory council with Dr. K. M. Abraham, former Chief Secretary to Government of Kerala as the Chairperson. The Council consisted of six eminent persons of repute in Science, Innovation and Technology in order to equip K-DISC to carry out the newly assigned activities of the Knowledge Mission.

Given the radically enhanced role that K-DISC is envisaged to take up in the new Government’s thrust to make Kerala an innovation hub, the structure of K-DISC has been totally revamped. K-DISC was registered as a society on May 4, 2021, with the Chief Minister as the Chairperson, Finance Minister as Vice Chairperson and Ministers for Industries, Higher Education, Labour and Skills and Agriculture as members. The Governing body consists of Vice Chancellors of the major Universities in the state and experts from various walks of life.

K-DISC advises the Government of Kerala on strategic directions in various spheres. Such strategic papers shall reflect the new directions in technology adaptation, innovation and progress. In addition it is entrusted with the task of creating a healthy and conducive environment for fostering innovations in the State. K-DISC was formed as a society by the Government of Kerala and registered under the Travancore-Cochin Literary, Scientific and Charitable Societies Act, 1955 for achieving any one or more of the following objectives:

Sri. Pinarayi Vijayan

Sri. Pinarayi Vijayan


Sri. K.N. Balagopal

Sri. K.N. Balagopal

Executive Chairperson

Dr. K.M. Abraham

Dr. K.M. Abraham

Executive Vice Chairperson

Dr. P.V. Unnikrishnan

Dr. P.V. Unnikrishnan

Member Secretary


  • Promotion of innovation in the State to meet pressing challenges in development through judicious application of Science and Technology, for increased productivity, competitiveness and employment, and to foster equitable and inclusive development.
  • Establishment of a supportive ecosystem for innovation across the State that facilitates experimentation, risk taking and creativity.
  • Strengthening of skills, behaviors and attitudes of the knowledge economy talent pool, particularly of the youth, to strengthen innovation and eliminate barriers to physical, human and knowledge capital.
  • Enhancing innovation spirit and talent, specifically young talent, by supporting greater innovation at institutional level including teaching institutions, Medium Small and Micro Industries, Research and Development institutions, Government Departments, Public and Private sector bodies, Local Government and Corporates.
  • Knowledge creation and management as well as addressing information asymmetries related to innovation.
  • Knowledge creation and management as well as addressing information asymmetries related to innovation.
  • Developing strategies for strengthening capabilities in proactively developing Industrial Revolution 4.0 Technologies in the State jointly with Universities, Research Centres and Academic Institutions and promoting the development of start-ups jointly with the Kerala Startup Mission and innovation collectives in the State.
  • Providing support to the Government in establishing Centres of Excellences in key areas of the Knowledge Economy and developing systems for Digital Transformation in various sectors jointly with Universities and other Institutions in the State.
  • Developing systems for translational Engineering in the State jointly with Universities for translating research in Research and Development Centres into Start-ups and Innovation Collectives.
  • Systematic promotion of grass root level and rural innovations and linking them to the Innovation Ecosystem.
  • Addressing infrastructure deficit and making rapid strides in cutting edge areas of knowledge revolution and tourism without infringing upon its fragile environment and impacting adversely upon its biodiversity.


Innovation is a process of transforming a product or service or system in a way that is economically beneficial or socially relevant to those developing it and is useful to the society and the universe as a whole. Innovation is principally of three kinds – product innovation, process innovation and systemic innovation. The innovation programs of K-DISC fall under four categories, each brought under the umbrella of a division. Management Services enable functions like finance, administration and human resources.

K-DISC has five divisions headed by respective Executive Directors.

  • Planning Competency Development and Innovation System
  • Skills, Employment and Entrepreneurship
  • Innovation Technologies
  • Social Enterprises and Inclusion
  • Management Services
    • Human Resources, Administration and Services
    • Finance and Accounting
    • Procurement

The first four divisions above have two subdivisions each headed by program Managers. The divisions comprise of Program Managers and Program Executives handling various schemes and programs.

Select a division to view the details.

This division promotes and nurtures enterprises that are intended to make a social change. These further the social purposes in a financially sustainable way and can provide income generation opportunities to meet the basic needs of economically disadvantaged people. Bringing marginalized communities into the mainstream and running projects to promote innovation amongst them is another key focus area.

The Social Enterprises and Inclusion division has the following projects.

  1. Conversion to LNG fuels in Marine Sector
  2. Projects for Youth with Disabilities
  3. Tribal Innovations
  4. Miyawaki Afforestation Project

Social Enterprises and Inclusion

Mr. Robin Tommy
+91 79075 24833

No. Name Role Mobile / Phone Email
1 —-  ——- ——- —–

Executive Director,
Skills, Employment and Entrepreneurship

Mr. P M Riyas

Kerala has a vast pool of educated people. But the paradox is that the State has a high unemployment rate also. In order to address this, the government has embarked on a transformational project of converting Kerala into a Knowledge Economy. This involves creating an ecosystem of skilling, reskilling, upskilling and cross-skilling to make educated unemployed employment-ready. Mentoring and handholding will also be given to budding entrepreneurs as part of the mission to create a large number of jobs.

Kerala Knowledge Economy Mission is the flagship project under this division. 

  1. Kerala Knowledge Economy Mission
Sl.No. Name Designation Mob No Mail ID
1 Aleema Asif Assistant General Manager 8589939042 aleema@knowledgemission.kerala.gov.in
2 Dr Anoopa Narayanan Senior Programme Manager 8547633848
3 Salini V R Senior Programme Manager 9633245595
4 Shayama Subair Senior Programme Manager
5 Deepthy S Programme Manager 7306004245 deepthy@knowledgemission.kerala.gov.in
6 Suma Devi Programme Manager
7 Thasni K U Programme Manager 7306439586 thasni@knowledgemission.kerala.gov.in
8 Nidiya Habeeb Programme Manager
9 Rishu Abhraham Programme Manager 8714611493 rishu@knowledgemission.kerala.gov.in
10 Sansal Khan Programme Manager
11 Lekshmipriya L Programme Manager 8893515919 lekshmi@knowledgemission.kerala.gov.in
12 Anjali K S Programme Manager 8714611482 anjali@knowledgemission.kerala.gov.in
13 Shameema Hameed L Programme Manager 7559031102 shameema@knowledgemission.kerala.gov.in
14 Ann Mellisha Mathew Programme Manager 9495999653 ann@knowledgemission.kerala.gov.in
15 Swetha Balakrishanan Programme Executive 6282337557 swetha@knowledgemission.kerala.gov.in
16 Manu G Programme Executive 9495391663 adminpb@kdisc.kerala.gov.in
17 Nyma Shaji Programme Executive 7025066016 adminpa@kdisc.kerala.gov.in
18 Arathy S Programme Executive 8197031912 arathy.sathy.3189@gmail.com
19 Feba Alan Varghese Programme Executive 9526695480 feba@knowledgemission.kerala.gov.in
20 Kalyani Gopakumar S. Programme Executive 9995891846 kalyanigopakumar@yahoo.com
21 Minnu Maria Suresh Programme Support Executive 8921477858 minnu@knowledgemission.gov.in
22 Sreya P S Programme Support Executive 9496919287 sreya@knowledgemission.kerala.gov.in
23 Arya Thampy S Programme Support Executive 8590209220 arya@knowledgemission.kerala.gov.in
24 Hafsa M Sulfikar Programme Support Executive 9778080672 hafsa@knowledgemission.kerala.gov.in
25 Amal Chandra Programme Support Executive 8848582602 amal@knowledgemission.kerala.gov.in
26 Hamna Nazar Technical Assistant 9447836053 hamna@knowledgemission.kerala.gov.in
27 Lighitha T L Junior Consultant 9074331488 lighitha2021@gmail.com
28 Ranjith G I Junior Consultant 9895664747 renjithgi@gmail.com

Executive Director,
Planning, Competency Development, And Innovation System(PCDIS)

Mr. Sudeep Nair
82899 10104

This division of K-DISC focuses on nurturing and promoting innovation at all levels – among students, businesses, public servants and the public at large, developing their skills and competencies to inculcate a culture of knowledge seeking and innovation in domains like education, healthcare, agriculture, automobiles, animal husbandry, geriartic care, etc.

Planning, Competency Development, and Innovation System

Young Innovators Programme(YIP)

Mr. Biju Parameswaran
Project Head pc08@kdisc.kerala.gov.in 9562462418

Dr. Manoj A S
Head-Learning and Development head.l.d@kdisc.kerala.gov.in 9895788699
Nipunraj S Senior Programme Executive pe01.dic.thiruvananthapuram@kdisc.kerala.gov.in 9497469080
Rosmy Davis Delivery Team rosmydavis27@gmail.com 73560 16985
Anu Joseph Senior Programme Executive pe01.dic.wayanad@kdisc.kerala.gov.in 8089695943
Renu Charkara Remesh Process Team renu.c.remesh@gmail.com 70259 51441
Jinto Sebastian Programme Manager spe01.dic.Pathanamthitta@kdisc.kerala.gov.in 91886 17424
Dipin VS Senior Programme Executive pe10@kdisc.kerala.gov.in 9074989772
Shamil M South Zone1 shamilmohan98@gmail.com 8547761406
Justin B Senior Programme Executive pe01.dic.kollam@kdisc.kerala.gov.in 9446357494
Abhijith Renjith Assistant Programme Manager pe30@kdisc.kerala.gov.in 91886 17415
Sreeni S Center Zone 1 pe01.disc.ernakulam@kdisc.kerala.gov.in 9447371995
Mohamed Shaheed Senior Programme Executive pe01.dic.idukki@kdisc.kerala.gov.in 9061123440
Arun Krishnan M S Center Zone 1 arun@brandanswers.in 6238930810
Kiran Dev M Senior Programme Executive pe01.dic.palakkad@kdisc.kerala.gov.in 8086250228
Athira Narayanan Center Zone 2 kdiscthrissur@gmail.com 9037788715
Julfar T Center Zone 2 julfar.mj@gmail.com 7403640825
Anu Mariya CJ Assistant Programme Manager pe01.dic.kozhikode@kdisc.kerala.gov.in 9400158529
Daniya George North Zone kozhikodeyip@gmail.com 9946332919
Vishakh K North Zone vishakhvannarkaya@gmail.com 8281751577
Athira CM North Zone an29@kdisc.kerala.gov.in 9188617419
Jinsha Rajeevan Assistant Programme Manager pe01.dic.kannur@kdisc.kerala.gov.in 9037423084
Rajasree MS Assistant Programme Manager pe01.dic.thrissur@kdisc.kerala.gov.in 7907859196
Kumaresan C S Community Co-ordinators cskumaresan@gmail.com 94951 10957

PCDIS Headquarters Team

Communication and Content Management Team
J Mohammed Siyad Consultant – Media & PR jmsd2009@gmail.com 99472 35040
Anupama V A Senior Programme Executive pe20@kdisc.kerala.gov.in 8086024270
Noorjahan A Junior Consultant noorja.azeeza@gmail.com 95448 35684
Monitoring and Planning Team
Twinkle Toms Assistant Programme Manager spe01.dic.kottayam@kdisc.kerala.gov.in 9495877052
Nanthini M S Junior Consultant msnanthinikdisc@gmail.com 8075251907
Partnership and Challenges Team
Sajida Shiraz Consultant sajidashirazkdisc@gmail.com 9037132274
Abilash A K Junior Consultant abilash.kdiscpmu@gmail.com 9899045622
Arun C M Junior Consultant aruncmkdisc@gmail.com 7012505900
Vishnu Prasad S Junior Consultant vishnuprasad.vps07@gmail.com 8893545004
Sandeep D Junior Consultant sandeepkdisc@gmail.com 9809702898
Sreejith K G Junior Consultant sreejithkgkdisc@gmail.com 9074164214

Connect Career to Campus

Hamna Nazar Technical Assistant PCDIS 9447836053 hamna@knowledgemission.kerala.gov.in
Suma Devi U M Program Manager PCDIS 9746181542 suma@knowledgemission.kerala.gov.in
Neetha Xavier Program Manager PCDIS 9847140663 neetha@knowledgemission.kerala.gov.in
Norbu Pavithran Program Manager PCDIS 9947872616 norbu@knowledgemission.kerala.gov.in
Chinchu C Babu Program Manager PCDIS 9496466039 chinchucbabu@knowledgemission.kerala.gov.in
Feba Alan Varghese Program Manager PCDIS 9526695480 feba@knowledgemission.kerala.gov.in
Arya Thampy S Program Support Executive PCDIS 8111954310 arya@knowledgemission.kerala.gov.in
Minnu Maria Suresh Program Support Executive PCDIS 9947006121 minnu@knowledgemission.kerala.gov.in
Sreya P S Program Support Executive PCDIS 9496919287 sreya@knowledgemission.kerala.gov.in


Name Designation Mob No Mail ID
Dr. Asok Kumar A Consultant 8547510783 asokkdisc@gmail.com
Mr. Nikhil S S Senior Programme Executive 8304045044 nikhilkdisc@gmail.com


Name Designation Mob No Mail ID
Dr. Deepa P Gopinath Consultant 7907662257 deepapg.kdisc@gmail.com
Dr. Asok Kumar A Consultant 8547510783 asokkdisc@gmail.com
Vimal Ravi Consultant 9645106643 vimalkdisc@gmail.com
Bhagya B Anil Junior Consultant 8606488545 bhagyaanil.kdisc@gmail.com
M K Vasu Consultant 9446030811 mkvasunair@gmail.com
Subash Chandran Consultant 9446701833 subash1833@gmail.com
Jayaraj P Consultant 9961261362 jayarajvalsala@gmail.com
Dr. Sherin Sam Jose Consultant 9496805712 sherinsamjose@amaljyothi.ac.in
Vipin V C Assistant Program Manager 9037325985 vipinvilfred5@gmail.com
Josin John Assistant Program Manager 9496491694 josinkallungal@gmail.com
Santhwana P S Programme Support Executive 8606698903 pssanthwana111@gmail.com
1 Smt. Swapna M Executive Director (Management Services) exdirms@kdisc.kerala.gov.in 9497004949


1 Smt. Sarada Devi. U Senior Administrative Officer senioradministrativeofficer@kdisc.kerala.gov.in 9495824880
2 Smt. Renjini A L Section Officer( Admin) adminsob@kdisc.kerala.gov.in 9447399321
3 Sri. Arun M.S Section Officer( Admin) adminsoa@kdisc.kerala.gov.in 9400183292
4 Sri .Jagannath C R Assistant Section Officer(Admin) admina3@kdisc.kerala.gov.in 9947944377
5 Sri .Govind G R. Senior Grade Assistant( Admin) adminb1@kdisc.kerala.gov.in 9497269536
6 Sri.Nisamudheen P Assistant( Admin) adminb3@kdisc.kerala.gov.in 9048178353
7 Smt. Joshitha S R Assistant( Admin) adminb2@kdisc.kerala.gov.in 9447492625
8 Sri. Nanda Kumar P S. Assistant( Admin) admina1@kdisc.kerala.gov.in 9446583588
9 Sri .Praveen V P Assistant (Admin) admina2@kdisc.kerala.gov.in 9447586676
10 Sri.Manu.G Project Executive (Admin) adminpb@kdisc.kerala.gov.in 9495391663
11 Smt. Nyma Shaji Project Executive (Admin) adminpa@kdisc.kerala.gov.in 7025066016
12 Smt. Smitha S Project Assistant (Admin) smithajagathy@gmail.com 9037092781


1 Smt. Jalaja Kumari L Senior Finance Officer seniorfinanceofficer@kdisc.kerala.gov.in 9995980399


1 Sri. Prakash S Assistant Section Officer fin1@kdisc.kerala.gov.in 9745052707
2 Smt. Arya S Remanan Assistant fin3@kdisc.kerala.gov.in 8891283666
3 Smt. Anitha V Senior Grade Assistant fin2@kdisc.kerala.gov.in 9387565758


1 Sri. Saneer M.S Section Officer finsoaudit@kdisc.kerala.gov.in 9446426426
2 Sri.Arun Kumar N J Assistant Section Officer finaudit1@kdisc.kerala.gov.in 9447500897
3 Sri. Rakesh Krishnan R V Senior Grade Assistant finaudit2@kdisc.kerala.gov.in 7356980516
4 Sri. Abhilash Assistant finaudit3@kdisc.kerala.gov.in 9744548190

As Kerala gears up to make the leap to a Knowledge Economy, it is imperative to adopt cutting-edge technologies for making the day-to-day lives of its citizens easier. Technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain and AR/VR are widely used to transform industries like healthcare, agriculture, utilities, etc.


The division has the following members:

No. Name Role Mobile / Phone Email
1 Mr. Krishnan N.  Strategic Consultant 75948 88001 strategicconsultant.et@kdisc.kerala.gov.in
2 Ms. Deepthy Mohan Assistant General Manager 9895026721 agm01@kdisc.kerala.gov.in
3 Dr. Nimmy J.S. Senior Program Executive – Health, Revenue, Water Authority projects 9633057792 spe20@kdisc.kerala.gov.in
Innovation technologies
Sl.No. EMP ID Name Designation Mob No Mail ID
1 PMU067 SHAFIN S Technical Manager 9496805807 pmutm01@kdisc.kerala.gov.in
2 PMU068 SHABANA FATHIM Technical Manager 8590281561 pmutm02@kdisc.kerala.gov.in
3 PMU047 ANJU MALIN Junior Consultant 7736349106 pmupe02@kdisc.kerala.gov.in
4 PMU070 AROMAL M S Programme Executive 9633829052 pmupe04@kdisc.kerala.gov.in
5 PMU071 KHANEESH U Programme Executive 9995026653 pmupe06@kdisc.kerala.gov.in
6 PMU077 MATHEWS P MATHEW Programme Executive 8129503351 pmupe12@kdisc.kerala.gov.in
7 PMU073 JITHIN KUMAR K Programme Executive 7012052100 pmupe08@kdisc.kerala.gov.in
8 PMU078 SURAJ M S MENON Programme Executive 9048563115 pmupe13@kdisc.kerala.gov.in
9 PMU074 NIHAS K S Programme Executive 8078220610 pmupe09@kdisc.kerala.gov.in
10 PMU081 SREEJISHA V Programme Executive 9496852683 pmupe01@kdisc.kerala.gov.in
11 PMU082 JIJESH K Programme Executive 9188752155 pmupe03@kdisc.kerala.gov.in
12 PMU085 ANAND KRISHNA P Programme Executive 8891912412 pmupe05@kdisc.kerala.gov.in
13 PMU088 MOHAMED ANAS P K Programme Executive 9567693036 pmupe15@kdisc.kerala.gov.in
14 PMU086 RESMI DEVI R Junior Programme Executive 9846076979 pmujpe01@kdisc.kerala.gov.in
15 PMU087 SAINA SIMON K S Junior Programme Executive 8921226857 pmujpe02@kdisc.kerala.gov.in
16 PMU097 PARAMEASWARI K P Junior Programme Executive 9656630367 pmujpe03@kdisc.kerala.gov.in


The operations of K-DISC are governed by a number of committees constituted with key officials, stakeholders and subject matter experts.

The Governing Body appoints the Executive Committee, approves projects and schemes with budgetary details to be implemented during the next year, adopts Annual Report, passes audited statement of accounts, considers resolutions, makes and amends rules and regulations and carries out with the permission of the Chairperson.

K-DISC shall be governed by its Governing Body (GB) consisting of:

  1. Chief Minister of Kerala – Chairperson
  2. Minister for Industries
  3. Minister for Finance
  4. Minister for Agriculture
  5. Minister for Higher Education
  6. Minister for Labour
  7. Vice Chairperson, Kerala State Planning Board
  8. Vice Chancellor, Kerala University of Digital Sciences, Innovation and Technology
  9. Vice Chancellor, APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
  10. Vice Chancellor, Kerala University of Health Sciences
  11. Vice Chancellor, Kerala Agricultural University
  12. Vice Chancellor, Kerala Veterinary and Animal Science University
  13. Vice Chancellor, Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Science
  14. Vice Chancellor, Cochin University of Science and Technology
  15. Secretary, Planning and Economic Affairs
  16. Secretary, Finance
  17. Chief Executive Officer, ASAP Kerala
  18. Chief Executive Officer, Kerala Start-up Mission
  19. Chief Executive Officer, ICT Academy of Kerala
  20. Chief Executive Officer, Trivandrum Engineering Science and Technology Research Park
  21. Chief Executive Officer, Bio 360-Life Sciences Park
  22. Chief Executive Officer, Kerala State Information Technology Infrastructure Limited
  23. Managing Director, Kerala State Industrial Development Corporation Limited
  24. Director General, Kerala Institute of Local Administration
  25. Chief Executive Officer, Technopark
  26. Executive Vice Chairperson, K-DISC
  27. Member Secretary, K-DISC
  28. Executive Director, Planning Competency Development and Innovation Systems
  29. Seven experts of International/National eminence shall be appointed for a period of five years by Government as independent members in the following areas but not restricted to
  1. Nano science
  2. Genomics and genetics
  3. Data Sciences
  4. Deep learning
  5. Machine learning
  6. Artificial Intelligence
  7. Robotics
  8. IoT (Internet of Things)
  9. Machine vision
  10. Renewable Energy
  11. Smart, Moderate and Composite materials
  12. Innovation Systems
  13. Digital Transformation
  14. Climate-change and Global warming
  15. Social Enterprises
  16. Augmented/Virtual/Mixed Reality

The management of K-DISC is vested with the Executive Committee. The EC approves the budget and admits the expenditure of projects and schemes approved by the Governing Body, creates posts for Technical and Administrative staff on contract, grants increments or impose penalties, appoints consultants, decides on purchase of fixed assets and approves foreign travel for staff.

The Executive Committee of K-DISC is composed of the following members.

  1. Minister for Industries
  2. Minister for Finance
  3. Minister for Agriculture
  4. Minister for Higher Education
  5. Minister for Labour
  6. Executive Vice Chairperson of K-DISC
  7. Member Secretary, K-DISC
  8. Vice Chancellor, Kerala University of Digital Sciences, Innovation and Technology
  9. Finance Secretary or his nominee not below the rank of Secretary
  10. Secretary, Planning or Economic Affairs or his/her nominee not below the rank of Additional Secretary
  11. Three among the eminent experts in the Governing Council nominated by the Government as independent members for a period of five years
    1. Dr Santhosh Mathew
    2. Mr. S D Shibulal
    3. Mr. Sam Santhosh
  12. Executive Director (Planning Competency Development and Innovation Systems)

Government may nominate one of the Ministers above as the chairperson of the Executive Committee for such tenure as it deems fit.

District Innovation Councils are set up in all 14 districts of the State to create district-level and integrated local government-level innovation ecosystems there. The District Innovation Council consist of the following members:

  1. District Panchayat President (Chairperson)
  2. Members nominated by K-DISC
  3. Registrars of Universities within the District nominated by K-DISC
  4. Representative of Lead Bank nominated by K-DISC
  5. Chief Executive Officer of Industrial Parks or Technoparks within the District nominated by K-DISC
  6. Representative of Medium Small and Micro Enterprises association nominated by K-DISC
  7. Representative of Start-up Mission Incubation Centre in the District nominated by K-DISC
  8. District Collector (Secretary)

District Responsibilities

Employee Code Name Designation District Contact no Mail id
D01E17 Mr. Nipun Raj DIC Program Executive Trivandrum 9188617409 pe01.dic.thiruvananthapuram@kdisc.kerala.gov.in
D01E13 Mr. Justin B. DIC Program Executive Kollam 9446357494 pe01.dic.kollam@kdisc.kerala.gov.in
D01E12 Mr. Jinto Sebastian DIC Program Executive Pathanamthitta 9188617424 pe01.dic.pathanamthitta@kdisc.kerala.gov.in
  –  Alappuzha – 
D01E09 Mr. Dipin V.S. DIC Program Executive Kottayam 9074989772 pe10@kdisc.kerala.gov.in
D01E21 Mr. Sreeni S DIC Program Executive Ernakulam 9447371995 pe01.disc.Ernakulam@kdisc.kerala.gov.in
D01E15 Mr. Mohamed Shaheed P. DIC Program Executive Idukki 8714619206 pe01.dic.idukki@kdisc.kerala.gov.in
D01E20 Ms. Rajasree M S DIC Senior Program Executive Thrissur 7907859196 pe01.dic.thrissur@kdisc.kerala.gov.in
D01E16 Mr. Mohammed Nabeel DIC Program Executive Malappuram 9847020825 pe01.dic.Malappuram@kdisc.kerala.gov.in
D01E14 Mr. Kiran Dev M DIC Program Executive Palakkad 8086250228 pe01.dic.palakkad@kdisc.kerala.gov.in
D01E07 Ms. Anu Joseph DIC Program Executive Wayanad 8089695943 pe01.dic.wayanad@kdisc.kerala.gov.in
D01E08 Ms. Anu Mariya DIC Senior Program Executive Kozhikode 9400158529 pe01.dic.kozhikode@kdisc.kerala.gov.in
D01E11 Ms. Jinsha Rajeevan DIC Senior Program Executive Kannur 9037423084 pe01.dic.kannur@kdisc.kerala.gov.in
D01E10 Mr. Jaimon Thomas DIC Program Executive Kasargod 9074989772 pe01.dic.kasaragod@kdisc.kerala.gov.in

List of DICs in Different Districts


No. Name Designation Mobile Email
1 Sreenivasa Pai G. Lead District Manager +91 94 861 67983 leadbanktvm@gmail.com
2 Navajot Khosa IAS District Collector  +91 94 477 00222 dctvm.ker@nic.in
3 D. Suresh Kumar  District Panchayat President  +91 98 957 00135 dptvpm@gmail.com
4 John M. Thomas CEO, Technopark +91 81 297 25555 ceo@technopark.org
5 Sathyadas L. President, MSME Association  +91 94 471 28235 shineindustries.si@gmail.com
6 Ashok Kurian Director, Incubation, KSUM +91 94 477 13627 akp@startupmission.in


No. Name Designation Mobile Email
1 Adv. Sam K. Daniel District Panchayath President +91 94 470 93446 samkdaniel24@gmail.com
2 Reena Susan Chacko Lead Bank Manager +91 94 477 42651 ldmkollam@gmail.com
3 John M. Thomas Chief Executive Officer Of Technopark +91 81 297 25555 ceo@technopark.org
4 K. Rajeev President, Kssia +91 94 471 45670 krajeevkollam@gmail.com
5 B. Abdul Nasar IAS District Collector +91 94 477 95500, 0474-2794900 dcklm.ker@nic.in


No. Name Designation Mobile Email
1 K.G. Rajeshwari  District Panchayath President +91 94 463 84386 dpalpy@gmail.com
2 Vinod Kumar V. Lead Bank Manager +91 62 825 98276, +91 99 956 77940 ibalpy@sbi.co.in
3 Chief Executive Officer Of Technopark Pending
4 V.K. Harilal President, Kssia +91 98 472 30058 venicepemt@gmail.com
5 A. Alexander IAS District Collector +91 94 471 29011 dcalp.ker@nic.in


No. Name Designation Mobile Email
1 Ambily P.L. Chief Executive Manager Of Industrial Park Adoor, Kunnanthanam ambilypl@kinfra.org
2 Morly Joseph MSME Association President morlymrv@gmail.com
3 Dr. Narasimhugari T.L. Reddy District Collector Pathanamthitta dcpta.ker@nic.in
4 Omallur Shankaran District Panchayath  President dpptta@gmail.com
5 V. Vijayakumaran Lead Bank Manager, Pathanamthitta lbpathanam@sbi.co.in


No. Name Designation Mobile Email
1 Nirmala Jimmy District Panchayath President kottayamdp@gmail.com
2 Prof. Dr. Prakash Kumar B. Registrar Of MG University registrar@mgu.ac.in
3 A.A. John Lead Bank Manager lbktm@sbi.co.in
4 Abraham Kuriakose MSME Association President perfectcorp@yahoo.com
5 Sherin Sam Jose Start-up Incubation Center sherinsamjose@amaljyothi.ac.in
6 M. Anjana IAS District Collector dcktm.ker@nic.in


No. Name Designation Mobile Email
1 Jiji K. Philip District Panchayath President, Idukki +91 94 461 37147 jijikphilipanakkara12@gmail.com, dptidk@gmail.com
2 Rajagopalan G. Lead Bank Manager Idukki +91 94 955 90777 cmldmidukki@gmail.com
3 Baby George President  K.S.S.I.A +91 94 465 01178 babygeorge.george@gmail.com
4 H. Dineshan District Collector Idukki +91 94 470 32252 dineshanh@gmail.com, dcidk.ker@nic.in
5 Anil Kumar V.M. Assistant Professor In Electrical Engineering Govt. Engineering College, Idukki +91 94 471 68426 anilkumarvm@gecidukki.ac.in
6 Molison K. Jose Dist. Noon Meal Officer Idukki (Rtd) +91 94 475 25881 josemolison@gmail.com
7 Shahul Hameed District Facilitator Kila +91 94 462 12594 mmshameedsha@gmail.com


No. Name Designation Mobile Email
1 Ullas Thomas District Panchayath President ullasthomas369@gmail.com 
2 Dr. B. Manoj Kumar Registrar KUFOS registrar@kufos.ac.in 
3 Dr. Meera V. Registrar CUSAT registrar@cusat.ac.in 
4 Satish C. Lead Bank Manager ldm@unionbankofindia.com, ldmekm2018@gmail.com
5 John M. Thomas CEO, Infopark ceosdesk@technopark.org
6 P.J. Jose MSME Association President,Ernakulam jpj1960@gmail.com
7 Startup Mission Pending
8 Suhas S. IAS District Collector, Ernakulam ernakulamdc@gmail.com


No. Name Designation Mobile Email
1 P.K. Davis District Panchayath President pkdavismaster250@gmail.com, dpttsr@gmail.com
2 Dr. A.K. Manoj Kumar Registrar Of Kerala University Of Health Science registrar@kuhs.ac.in
3 Sakeer Hussain Registrar Of Kerala Agricultural University registrar@kau.in
4 Anil Kumar K.K. Lead Bank Manager lbothrissur@canarabank.com
5 Geesha A.K. Assistant Manager (Technical), Kinfra Park geesha@kinfra.org
6 Noby Joseph MSME Association President noby1508@gmail.com
7 S. Shanavas  District Collector tsrcoll.ker@nic.in


No. Name Designation Mobile Email
1 K. Binumol District Panchayath President dptpkd@gmail.com, binulalbhavan@gmail.com
2 Mrunmai Joshi IAS District Collector dcpkd.ker@nic.in
3 Anil D. Lead Bank Manager lbopalghat@canarabank.com
4 Aneesh A.S. Jr Manager Technical aneesh@kinfra.org
5 Murali krishnan Project Manager, Kinfra Integrated Industrial & Textile Park, Palakkad muralikrishnan@kinfra.org
6 A.K Geesha Assistant manager (Technical) geesha@kinfra.org
7 T.V. Mammu President MSME Association,Palakkad tvnoushad@gmail.com
8 Vignesh Start-up Incubation Center vignesh@startupmission.in


No. Name Designation Mobile Email
1 K. Binumol District Panchayath President dptpkd@gmail.com, binulalbhavan@gmail.com
2 Mrunmai Joshi IAS District Collector dcpkd.ker@nic.in
3 Anil D. Lead Bank Manager lbopalghat@canarabank.com
4 Aneesh A.S. Jr Manager Technical aneesh@kinfra.org
5 Murali krishnan Project Manager, Kinfra Integrated Industrial & Textile Park, Palakkad muralikrishnan@kinfra.org
6 A.k Geesha Assistant manager (Technical) geesha@kinfra.org
7 T.V. Mammu President MSME Association,Palakkad tvnoushad@gmail.com
8 Vignesh Start-up Incubation Center vignesh@startupmission.in


No. Name Designation Mobile Email
1 District Panchayath President dpkkde@gmail.com
2 Dr. E.K. Satheesh Registrar Of University reg@uoc.ac.in
3 Muraleedharan T.M. Lead Bank Manager lbocalicut@canarabank.com
4 Kannikulathil Gopalan Ajithkumar Chief Executive Officer of Industrial Park
5 Chief Executive Officer of TechnoPark
6 M. Abdurahiman MSME Association President/secretary mv.raheem@yahoo.com
7 Preethi. M. Start-up Incubation Center  preethi@nitc.ac.in,     tbi@nitc.ac.in
8 Sreeram Sambasiva Rao District Collector dckzk.ker@nic.in


No. Name Designation Mobile Email
1 Shamshad Marakkar District Panchayath President dpwynd@gmail.com
2 Dr. Sudheer Babu Registrar Of University registrar@kvasu.ac.in
3 G. Vinod Lead Bank Manager lbokalpetta@canarabank.com
4 Ramla N. Industrial Park,Park Manager ramlasby@gmail.com
5 Krishnadas K. Industrial Park, Marketing Manager & Estate Manager krishnadas126@gmail.com
6 T.D. Jainan MSME Association, Kssia President jainantd@gmail.com
7 Mathew Thomas MSME Association/kssia Secretary excelagrofoods@gmail.com
8 Kalavathy P.S. Start-up Incubation Center / District Industries Centre,wayanad dicwyd@gmail.com
Dr.Adeela Abdulla IAS District Collector dcwayanad@gmail.com


No. Name Designation Mobile Email
1 Divya P.P. District Panchayath President divyadivyaji@gmail.com
2 Mohammed E.V.P. Registrar Of University (In charge). registrar@kannuruniv.ac.in
3 Frony John P. Lead Bank Manager ldo.kannur@syndicatebank.co.in
4 Roopa V.K. Manager, Kinfra Industrial Park roopalovelingmail.com
5 Bivin Babu Assistant Manager, Ksidc Industrial Growth Centre bivin@ksidcmail.org
6 Jeevraj Nambiar MSME Association, Secretary kaveripipe@yahoo.com
7 Nithin Madhavan Start-up Incubation Center kannurtechnolodge@gmail.com
8 T.V Subhash IAS District Collector dcknr.ker@nic.in


No. Name Designation Mobile Email
1 Baby Balakrishnan  District Panchayath President kdpksd@gmail.com
2 Dr. Rajendra Pilankatta Registrar in Charge, Central University of Kerala praj74@cukerala.ac.in
3 N. Kannan Lead Bank Manager ldokasargod@gmail.com
4 P. Muralidharan  Project Manager,Kinfra Kasaragod  kinfra.ksd@gmail.com
5 Raveendran P.V. KSSIA , President vishalraveendran2@gmail.com
6 Ashok  Start-up Incubation Center akp@startupmission.in
7 Sajith Babu IAS District Collector dckas.ker@nic.in

District wise Clusters and Institutions linked

Sl No District Cluster Mentor Institution
1 ALPY Kuttanad Initiatives Carmel CoE
2 ALPY Edanad Printing Cluster Mahaguru Institute of Technology
3 IDKI Marayur Jaggery Cluster Amal Jyothi CoE
4 IDKI Tribal Products Company DCSMAT
5 IDKI Thangamani Marian College Kuttikanam
6 KOLM Handloom Cluster –Chathanoor KSMBC, SN Polytech
7 KOLM Apparel Cluster (Kudumbasree) CoE Pathanapuram
8 KOLM Nutrimix Cluster SN College CoE Pathanapuram
9 KOLM Venad Venad Poultry Farmers Co ltd TKM CoE
10 KOLM Palaruvi Farmers Producers Company CoE Perumon
11 KOLM Green Gold Society TKM CoE, UKF CoE
12 KTYM Kidangoor Apparel Park (Kudumbasree) School of Management and Business studies
13 KTYM Nutra mix ST Thomas Pala / CoE kidangoor
14 KTYM Rubber Cluster KE College Mannanam, Berchmans Institute of Management studies Changanassery
15 KTYM Neelor FPO SaintGits MBA, ST Thomas Pala
16 KTYM KADCO Kidangoor CoE
17 MLPM Mannarmala FPO Malabar Poly
18 MLPM Kudmbasree Cluster Perumpadappu SSM Polytechnic
19 MLPM Edakkara Agro industries Ernad Knowledge city
20 PNTA Samrudhi Food Product MACFAST,

St Thomas Ranni,

21 PNTA Bamboo Products MACFAST,

St Thomas Ranni,

22 KSGD Palm PlateMaking Cluster LBS CoE Kasargod
23 KZKD Vadakara Handloom Cluster NIT Calicut
24 KZKD Kerala Pappadam Farook College
25 kZKD Amrutam Nutrimix MDIT Kozhikode
26 KANR Bell Metal Cluster Thalassery CoE
27 KANR Kanjilode Weavers Vimal Jyothi Institute of Mgmt and Research
28 PLKD Shornur Agri implements GEC Palakkad,

Jawahar CoE

29 PLKD Clay Pottery Jawahar CoE

Mercy College

30 PLKD Peruvambu Weving Cluster Victoria College,

LEAD College

31 PLKD Brass and Bell Metal Ahalya CoE.

Govt Poly Palakkad

32 PLKD Bamboo Cluster Sreepathy institute,

Govt College Chittor

33 PLKD Velinezhi Kalagraman Victoria CoE
34 PLKD Ramassery Idli LEAD College,

Mercy College

35 EKLM Edakkatuvayal Kudumbasree tailoring cluster ToCH CoE,


36 EKLM Pampakuda Artisans (Block carpenters Industrial Cop society) Muthoot Institute of Technology
37 TRVM Balaramapuram-Ecotex Asian School of Mgmt

Marian CoE

38 TRVM Balaramapuram Handloom Cluster-1 LBS college for women
39 TRVM Coirtex Asian School of Mgmt

Marian CoE

40 TRVM Reed & Bamboo Harvipuram College of Engg Trivandrum

Govt. Engg college Barton Hill

41 TRVM Reed& Bamboo Veliyannur College of Engg Trivandrum

Govt. Engg college Barton Hill

42 TRVM Pappad making Cluster College of Engg Trivandrum

Govt. Engg college Barton Hill

43 TRVM Trivandrum Embroidery LBS college for women
44 TRVM Kottukal Handloom Cluster Rajadhani Institute of Science and Technology
45 TRVM Kerala Arts & Crafts Village Vellar IMK
46 TRVM Balaramapuram Handloom Cluster-2 Asian School of Mgmt

Marian CoE

47 TRVM Agri Tanima Farmers Producer Company Limited College of Engg Trivandrum

Govt. Engg college Barton Hill

48 THSR Notebook Cluster GEC Thrissur
49 THSR Elavally Cluster Vidya Academy of Science and Technology
50 THSR Kuthampalli Cluster Jyothi CoE
51 THSR Coconut Oil Cluster Goct Poly Chelakkara
52 THSR Cherpu Handicraft Cluster Sahradaya College
53 WYND BANA Agro Processing Company (Kudumbasree) Meengadi Polytechnic                              Meppadi Polytechnic

Batch 2 

Sl No District Cluster Mentor Institution Category
54 Kannur Mayil FPO NIT Calicut FPO
55 THSR Furniture Cluster – Trichur Jyothi Engg College   Manufacturing
56 THSR Kothmpalli Cluster Jyothi Engg College Manufacturing
57 Kannur Furniture Cluster Taliparamba Thalasseyy Engg College Manufacturing
58 Kannur Offset Printing Cluster Kannur Vimal Jyothi College Manufacturing
59 EKM Perumbavoor Plywood Cluster TOCH & Rajagiri SS Manufacturing
60 EKM Kaladi Rice Mill Adi Sankara Institute of Technology  /morning star Manufacturing
61 EKM Aluva Plastics Rajagiri SS and KMEA Manufacturing
62 EKM West Malabar Plywood SCMS Manufacturing
63 MLPM Valluvanad Wood Cluster Malabar Polytechnic Manufacturing
64 Kollam Kollam Cashew Cluster TKM College of Engg. Manufacturing
65 Kollam Wood Empire Cluster Chadayamangalam College of Engg Perumon Manufacturing

Internal Committees

K-DISC has the following Committees for management of various activities of the organization.

The following shall constitute a talent scouting committee for Human Resource Management and Competency Development which will recommend scouting of talents like consultants and senior positions in K-DISC:

  1. Member Secretary
  2. Vice Chancellor, APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
  3. Vice Chancellor, Digital University of Kerala
  4. Executive Director (Planning, Competency Development and Innovation Systems)
  5. Senior Administrative Officer
  6. One of the independent members nominated by the Executive Committee

The procurement follows the store purchase manual of the Government of Kerala. The General Financial Rules of Government of India are followed for components not covered under the store purchase manual. The following members constitute the procurement committee which approves the procurement of products and services required by K-DISC:

  1. Member Secretary
  2. Finance Secretary, Government of Kerala or his nominee not below the rank of Secretary
  3. Executive Director (Innovation Technologies)
  4. Executive Director (Management Services)
  5. Senior Finance Officer
  6. One of the independent members nominated by the Executive Committee

The following members constitute the Risk Management Committee which specifically examines innovative projects which involve high risk. The Committee devises strategies for involving Risk Management in the entire innovation cycle of K-DISC and monitor Risk Management effectiveness.

  1. Executive Vice Chairperson
  2. Member Secretary
  3. Chief Executive Officer, Start-up Mission
  4. Executive Director (Planning Competency Development and Innovation Systems)
  5. One of the independent members nominated by the Executive Committee for a period of five years

The following members constitute the Internal Audit Committee which shall be put in place systems of internal audit.

  1. Executive Director (Management Services)
  2. Senior Finance Officer
  3. Finance Manager
  4. Procurement Manager
  5. One of the program Managers (on rotation basis)

The following members constitute the Media Committee constituted to coordinate, support and approve various campaign activities related to the programs of K-DISC.

  1. Chairman: Mr. K. Manoj Kumar
  2. Convenor: Mr. Biju Parameswaran
  3. Dr. Arun Surendran
  4. Mr. Manoj Krishnan
  5. Ms. Lakshmy K.J.

An Internal Committee (IC) on sexual harassment of women at work place has been duly constituted in K-DISC as per Proceedings No. 528/2022/KDISC dated 31.10.2022.

K-DISC is committed to fostering a safe and respectful work environment for all individuals associated with our organization. Sexual harassment is a serious violation of these principles, and K-DISC has a zero tolerance policy towards sexual harassment.

Anyone who experiences or witnesses sexual harassment is strongly encouraged to report it immediately to anyone of the Internal Committee members mentioned below. All instances of sexual harassment will be treated with utmost seriousness and confidentiality, and appropriate action will be taken swiftly.

The following members constitute the Media Committee constituted to coordinate, support and approve various campaign activities related to the programs of K-DISC.

  1. Executive Director (Management Services) : SAJITHA P.P.
  2. Director, KKEM (Gender & Labour) : Dr. P.S. SREEKALA
  3. Senior Administrative Officer : SHEELA.G
  4. Finance Officer : JASEELA T.P.
  5. Former Social Advisor, KDISC : Dr. GITA GOPAL
  6. Assistant Section Officer : JAGANNATH C.R.
  7. Assistant General Manager : DEEPTHY MOHAN

The following members constitute the Library Advisory Committee which manages the physical and electronic library of K-DISC. The library will be accessible to the employees of the organisation and the research scholars/ students associated with it. It has online subscriptions for CMIE, JSTOR, Indiastat, Web of Science, EPW Research Foundation Online services and Kindle services for subscriptions like Taylor and Francis Cambridge University Press, Blackwell Publishing, Springer Link, Sage Journals, Wiley Online, EBSCO and IEEE.

  1. Chairman: Shaji A.
  2. Convenor: Dr. Vishnu Vijayan M.A.
  3. Dr. P.V. Unnikrishnan
  4. Ms. Sajitha P.P.
  5. Mr. Ajith Kumar N.K.
  6. Ms. Deepthi Mohanan
  7. Ms. Shakeela K.T.
  8. Mr. Biju S. Narayan

ഔദ്യോഗിക ഭാഷ മലയാളം_കെ-ഡിസ്ക് ഔദ്യോഗിക ഭാഷ സമിതി


  1. അധ്യക്ഷന്‍ – ശ്രീമതി. സജിത പി.പി. ഇ.ഡി.(മാനേജ്‌മെന്റ് സര്‍വ്വീസസ്) കെ-ഡിസ്‌ക് 
  2. കൺവീനർ – ശ്രീ. ബിജു. പരമേശ്വരന്‍കണ്‍സള്‍ട്ടന്റ്കെ-ഡിസ്‌ക് 
  3. ഡോ. ദീപാ പി. ഗോപിനാഥ്കണ്‍സള്‍ട്ടന്റ്കെ-ഡിസ്‌ക് 
  4. ഡോ. നിമ്മി. ജെ.എസ്.സീനിയര്‍ പ്രോഗ്രാം എക്‌സിക്യുട്ടീവ്കെ-ഡിസ്‌ക് 
  5. ശ്രീമതി. അരുണിമ എ.സീനിയര്‍ പ്രോഗ്രാം എക്‌സിക്യുട്ടീവ്കെ-ഡിസ്‌ക്